Become a Member
The Color of Cannabis is an organization that provides a pathway for restorative economic and criminal justice to communities negatively impacted by the war on drugs. TCC represents the equitable interests of POCs in Colorado. We advocate for legislation, public policy, business education & technical assistance, that provides equitable and sustainable opportunities for POCs in cannabis.
Business Membership-$400.00Monthly- $4800.00 Annually
Business Membership-$400.00Monthly- $4800.00 Annually
Assistance with application writing
Assistance with SOPs
Assistance with business plan creation
Receive news and updates regarding TCC and our respected group of affiliates.
Invites to exclusive symposiums designed to provide resources, insight, and education into the cannabis industry.
Collaborates with members and cannabis industry experts to carefully craft innovative best
practices for TCC members to adopt and adhere to in the hopes of creating the safest and most compliant space for cannabis users, business owners, and professionals.Education on your concerns and issues to ensure safe, sensible, and successful regulations around social equity programs.
Industry expertise events and conferences at discounted rates.
Access to other state license applications as reference.
Access to recommended partner and vendor networks.
Logo placement on the website.
1 on 1 education session per month totaling 4 hours per month.
Inclusion for media request & interviews
Education to City & State agency for workgroups and taskforce
Advisory Members
Access to education on Government Agency Meetings
Educate on Policy Issues give feedback on Strategy, Financial, Capital Calls
Individual Membership-$200.00/Monthly - $2400 Annually
Linked listing in TCC online member directory
Receive news and updates regarding TCC and our respected group of affiliates.
Attend events hosted by community partners to adopt and adhere to in the hopes of creating the safest and most compliant space for cannabis users, business owners, and professionals.
Education on your concerns and issues to ensure safe, sensible, and successful regulations around social equity programs.
Industry expertise events and conferences at discounted rates.
Access to recommended partner and vendor networks
1 on 1 education session per month totaling 2 hours per month.
Community Membership-$100.00 Monthly-$1,200.00 Annually
Linked listing in TCC online member directory
Receive news and updates regarding TCC and our respected group of affiliates.
1 on 1 education session per month totaling 1 hour per month.
Access to TCC office Space on a first come first server basis
Monthly community education meetings